Climate Survey

The survey that follows is designed to engage young elementary school students in reflection and discourse about the culture of the classroom. Each question was written with age-appropriate language aimed to generate thoughtful feedback about individual learning and the climate of the learning community, particularly the level of caring, respect, and trust (Yale, 2017).

In kindergarten and early first grade, I would offer this survey in a group format, reading questions aloud. Illustrating an answer is perfectly acceptable, even preferable for pre-writers. Depending on the class, I might opt to ask one question from each set three days in a row, so as not to overwhelm students.
  • What is your favorite thing you’ve learned this week?
  • What is something we’ve practiced that still feels tricky?
  • What is something you want to learn more about?
  • Have you played with anyone new lately?
  • If you’re having a hard time with a friend, would you like some help from an adult? Tell us about the problem.
  • What is one thing you’d like to tell your classmates about yourself?
  • Do you understand what to do in the mornings when you first arrive at school? If not, what feels confusing?
  • What happens in our class when someone makes a mistake?
  • How could you ask for help in our classroom?

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